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  • 联系人:孙先生
  • 电话:0577-86387100
  • 手机:15988761987
  • 传真:0577-86387300
温州际高检测仪器有限公司是集研发、生产、销售及技术服务为一体的高科技企业。公司*制造:纺织、印染、服装、皮革、塑料、非织造材料、土工建材等行业检测仪器,是业内良好的实验设备供应商之一。际高公司拥有一支*的自动控制、软件编程、材料测试、市场营销、生产管理、电测装配等各类高中级工程技术人才队伍。有很强的硬件、软件开发能力及机械设计研制能力。际高技术团队均拥有十年以上产品研发与生产经验以及*的测控技术,产品均拥有独立自主知识产权。公司有配套的车、钳、铣、磨、线切割等机械加工流程,工艺*。。产品从设计到制造“一条龙”独立完成,全面符合GB、ISO、ASTM、AATCC、BS、EN、DIN、JIS、IWS等标准的要求。 目前,公司已经取得“全自动透气性测试仪”,“电子土工布强力综合试验机”,“马丁代尔*仪”,“电子织物强力机”,“排水板通水仪”等50多项国家技术*(其中发明*2项),3项计算机软件着作权以及十多项技术*知识产权成果;公司以*研发为立足之本,成功为中国工程物理研究院(中国核武器研究所),中国兵器工业第五九研究所,总后军需研究所,中国纺织科学研究院,东华大学,浙江理工大学,天津工业大学,北京科技大学,交通部公路工程检测中心,公安部检测中心等权威机构定制了多批次实验仪器。用户遍及各地纤检,质检,商检,第三方公证检验机构,大专院校,研究所以及各大纺织印染企业,服装,皮革,材料企业。并远销美国,巴基斯坦,印度,伊朗,越南,西班牙,台湾等国家和地区。 际高公司的企业精神是:以人为本,以客为尊,全心全意,尽善尽美。秉承“技术良好,服务至上”的经营理念,奉行"为企业创造价值,与客户共同成功"的经营宗旨,以*的技术为导向,以科学的管理为手段,以高素质的员工为保障,致力于仪器领域的发展,坚持以质取胜,打造诚信*。成功来自团队,超越客户满意,际高公司将始终以客户需求为导向,不断提高研发*能力,全力打造"际高仪器"行业*。 际高仪器,技高一筹。际高公司愿与海内外朋友真诚合作,共同发展。 WenzhouJigao Testing Instrument Co. Ltd is situated in Qianhua Industrial Zone OuhaiDistrict, which is a Provincial Economic and Technological Development Zone. Itis one of the leading suppliers of laboratory equipment and specialises in themanufacture of testing instruments for textiles, printing and dyeing, clothing,leather, plastics, non-woven materials, geotechnical and construction materialsindustries. WenzhouJigao Testing Instrument Co. Ltd has powerful high and middle level engineersand technical personnel covering automatic control, software programming,materials testing, marketing management, production management, electricalmeasuring and assembling, with strong hardware and software and mechanicaldesign and development capabilities. Our company has over ten years experiencein product development and manufacturing and owns the independent intellectualproperty rights for its original measurement and control technologies andproducts. It also has the machining tools for lathing, clamping, milling,grinding and wire cutting. The machining technology is sophisticated withproducts from design to manufacture being produced in one integratedservice. Our products have passed GB, ISO, ASTM, AATCC, BS, EN,DIN, JIS, IWS quality standards and are widely used in fiber inspection,quality inspection, commodity inspection, research institutes, variouslaboratories and other enterprises and institutions. WenzhouJigao Testing Instrument Co. Ltd is set to maintain its market position as aninternational, high-end, test instrument supplier. Our business focus aims atbeing people-oriented, customer-friendly,dedicated and achieving perfection. Adhering to "leading technologyand putting quality first, whilst delivering value for enterprises and highlevels of customer satisfaction", we use advanced technology, scientificmanagement and high-quality staff in the field of development of test instrumentation.We believe success comes from working as a part of a team and are willing towork in partnership with enterprises at home and abroad for the mutualdevelopment of test equipment as we strive to continually improve our researchand innovation in an effort to further enhance the “Jigao” brand. 温州总部 联系电话:0577-863871000577-86387200 传 真:0577-86387300 技术服务:400-689-67800577-86387300 网 址:www.jigaotest.comhttp://www.jigaotest.com 邮 箱:jigaotest@163.com
公司名称: 温州际高检测仪器有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 全国 公司规模: 50-99人
注册资本: 30万人民币 注册年份: 2002
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 贸易商
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